
Jun 23, 2009


got some things coming up tonight or tomorrow. i have Bible study tonight with my girls and sometimes we go into the late hours due to fun fun fun... but they will come.

here's a preview tho.
you might not have noticed but my header photo changed a bit because the sweet Noa of featherlove photography remade one for me with her tag so she can get due credit. i soon will talk about how much i LOVE her work and our in common love for cake... in the most non-stalker way possible.

doing some crafty stuff for my parents... really my mom (she wanted a jason mraz mix tape) so I thought "oh youre gettin more than a mix tape lady" *insert evil laugh here* Ill be using the above photos... somehow. 
Isn't Miss Ruthy's "Charlie's Angels" hair super fly in the first photo?
2nd photo taken by the flyest woman ever... my Grand Mommy! and I think it was originally a Polaroid. 
Note: these photos are obviously BD (before Dani) and when I think of this I get a lil saddy face... but she made it here just fine. I waited 8 years!
and here we are.

and for father's day we got all crafty shafty and made this card to go along with his gifts...

we made it in about 30 minutes to an now sits on the fire place in allll it's glory.

and i'll talk about how cute this dress came out in the new items on and how much I love   this top...
and secretly hope i can just keep it... minus the probation (long story...probably not coming.)

BLOG love coming!
I have so many blog love stories going on right now. but a recent one i have been in love with is inchmark! I love her little projects so much. She inspires me with every one! she does cute stuff for her little kids and their teachers and she recently did a project for some girls she teaches at church. 
...LOVE that shes a church lady! 
okay so that is whats coming SOON. i swear...and trust me I can't wait to talk about it all : )
off to my small group Bible study!

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i LOVE comments! thanks for stopping by! XO.