well, hello again!
this is just a friendly reminder that if you have been thinking about promoting your website or shop the Drops Of Jupiter BLOG is a wonderful place to do so! I am now accepting partners & sponsors for October! multi-month packages are also available... just ask! more info on being a DOJ sponsor can be found HERE.
Drops of Jupiter has officially hit 20,600 monthly views and October is just the beginning of what is going to be a wonderful holiday season!!!

ALSO...if you have a CUTE blog...
I am NOW accepting banners for the BLOG LOVE section for only $10 to go through the end of November!
contact me for partner/sponsor rates and special autumn/holidays deals (i'm happy to work with budgets)
OR to claim your spot at dropsofjupiterBLOG AT gmail DOT com.
OR to claim your spot at dropsofjupiterBLOG AT gmail DOT com.
& special thanks to my September partners & sponsors!
click on any of their banners below to check them out!
XOXO -tiffany.
XOXO -tiffany.