
Feb 12, 2010

the theme is...

Well I'm back home from fun times at Disneyland and my 29th birthday is almost over.

BUT since it IS *theme thursday*...
...I couldn't think of anything but all the things I LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!

my favorite!
red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting...yums!

pretty lace girly outfits AND cats!

pretty nails!

indie boys in flannel...bonus points for a good hat!
(smoke not needed)

im addicted to post-its!

alllllll my cute celebrity boyfriends...
johnny mayer (#igetyoujohnmayer)
justin timberlake (thats right...i said it)
jared leto
etc, etc.

been dreaming about owning a red jacket for spring. 

cupcakes in general.

obsessed with red tennies right now!

all mustaches!
(we saw a "pron" stache at disney today)
*that wasn't misspelled*

biker jackets.

anything that calls for whipped cream!


my iPhone!

vintage... of course :)


a good love story.

cameras period!

(balloons too!)

my name... LOL!

i'll always appreciate a good tattoo.

nerd glasses and the men who where them.

go for the gold with the addition of a great beard and tatts for the win!

i don't even need to talk about how much i LOVE this and everything about it!
Le sigh.

having my 3rd birthday at Disneyland...LOVE.
I think a billion people said "happy birthday" to me because of my pin 
AND i got a bag of fresh flour tortillas out of it!

What a day!!!

and to everyone for their birthday wishes...
i LOVE you!!!
it WAS a good day :)
<3 -tif

photo sources: weheartit + raceytay + my iPhone


  1. Well, happy belated birthday!
    I just happened to stumble upon your page, and I'm glad I did!! I love everything from your post (okay, 'cept that I'm a blackberry girl)! Fabulous blog my dear!


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