
Dec 2, 2009

Back to work!!

hey everybody it's DECEMBER! can you believe it. I kinda gave myself a LONGer thanksgiving vacation than planned (and I didn't even plan to have one)... BUT I'm back!! Gosh so much to talk about but lets dive right in and do a little FancyCat Vintage SHOW-&-TELL!!

Here are some cute things we have up for auction RIGHT NOW!!!

the cutest pants to ever go through our collection!!!

Ohhh you pretty little dress!

it's so neon- aztec- 80's- tuxedo- secretary dress! we <3 it!

this is a super pretty dress... it's truly LOVELY!

im gonna miss this one!!! BIG POCKETS = WIN!

ready to wear.. the end!

everyone need a cute vintage apron!

Ack!! in LOVE with this dress too!!

Hope you all had a great thanksgiving... more posts coming soon!!

pc: weheartit


  1. oh these are COMPLETELY adorable, hon!

  2. Every little vintage girl needs a little vintage apron.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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